JavaScript中的字符串乘法 redraiment, Date 原文 原文地址: 原作者:David Flanagan In Ruby, the "*" operator used with a string on the left and a number on the right does string repetition. "Ruby"*2 evaluates to "RubyRuby", for example. This is only occasionally useful (when creating lines of hyphens for ASCII tables, for example) but it seems kind of neat. And it sure beats having to write a loop and concatenate n copies of a string one at a time--that just seems really inefficient. I just realized that there is a clever way to implement string multiplication in JavaScript: String.prototype.times = function(n) { return{length:n+1}, this); }; "js".times(5) // => "jsjsjsjsjs" This method takes advantage of the behavior of the Array.join() method for arrays that have undefined elements. But it doesn't even bother creating an array with n+1 undefined ele...